The core drivers of human behaviour: How to build sticky learning products

Too often EdTech products don’t reach their potential because they only focus on the content. Bharat Anand from HBS outlines this idea in his wonderful book ‘The Content Trap’.

The best products add layers over the content in order to tap into the core drivers of human behaviour.

- The need for meaning
- For self expression and creativity
- For connection and influence
- A need to own and belong
- For safety and security
- A need to influence and relate to others socially
- A need for thrill and dopamine hits
- A need to accomplish and build

Learning is a uniquely human endeavour, and it may be worthwhile to design EdTech products in a way that enables the content to take advantage of this humanness.


Boss Manager to Boss Coach


5 sticky ideas from Ben Horowitz’s book ‘What you do is who you are’.