Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

Billion Dollar EdTech Idea 8: James Bond Certification For Teachers To Become ‘Entertrainers’

The 007 'entertrainers' are on a mission to help students learn, and have a licence to teach for the 21st century. When the classroom transforms into a stage, the students are no longer students; they are the audience. The lesson is no longer merely a lesson; it becomes a show. And, if teachers want their audience to come back again and again, day in and day out, then they’ve got to keep the show entertaining.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

Billion Dollar EdTech Idea 7: Making Academic Research Easily Digestible For The Workplace

Reports estimate that more than 10 million papers get published every year. Yet, because of the complexity, hard to digest language, and nature of problems being addressed, working professionals are rarely able to use this treasure trove of information to learn and innovate. The big opportunity is to create 'communities of practice' and make academic research more relevant & digestible, so companies can turn that research into a source of competitive advantage.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

Billion Dollar EdTech Idea 6: Behaviour Led Accountability for Synergy in Teams (BLAST)

A drop in measurable performance can almost always be traced back to behavioural issues that made the drop possible. Great teams are accountability-friendly and confront one another about those behaviours early, as they care enough about the team to take that risk before the results begin to suffer. Yet, most workplace learning interventions focus on building individual skills, as teams get evaluated on aggregating KPIs (key performance indicators) - like a game of golf. The big opportunity is to create a new ‘team learning model’ where evaluation of the team shifts to collective KBIs (key behavioural indicators) to create more coherence - like a game of basketball.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

How to boost earnings in your career?

Your earnings depend on your ability to take on bolder roles at the workplace. Your network and ability to build transferrable skills across experiences influence your chances of getting bolder roles.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

Boss Manager to Boss Coach

Coaching is what turns ordinary jobs into extraordinary careers. So as you explore ways to grow your career, work in companies that scale through people and not process. Don’t just settle for a boss manager. Find a boss coach who is committed to helping you get better at your craft.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

Billion Dollar EdTech Idea 1: Upskilling managers for the new world of work

Being a good manager has less to do with technical skills and more to do with the mastery of softer and more nuanced skills like reading the room, building trust, giving feedback, setting goals and growing others. Employees are voting with their feet as they don’t feel ‘seen’ or ‘heard’ by their managers.

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Nikhil Gumbhir Nikhil Gumbhir

The Oxygen principle to building B2B products

When building out a B2B product, ask yourself these 5 questions:

1. Why have previous solutions (if any) failed?

2. What are the high frequency, low importance and non glitzy activities that you can make better for your customers?

3. How can your solution become like oxygen in the customer’s life?

4. Who is the champion on the customer’s side that you can work with to pilot your solution?

5. How can you leverage the results from the pilot and the voice of your champion to scale your solution?

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